Here Comes the Samsung Galaxy S4 Commercial

Samsung’s official YouTube channel for the Netherlands has uploaded some commercials for the Samsung Galaxy S4. There are three videos uploaded, all around 33 seconds long.

One demos the “Sound Shot” feature, which is basically a short sound clip attached to a still photo. Another demos “Group Play”, which allows several GS4 units to play the same song, thus making the song louder. And finally there’s a video showing a woman using the S-Translater app in a cab and at the dining room table.

Check it out.

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Android Central has also uploaded this 60 second commercial to their YouTube channel.


Source: AndroidBeat

Prateek Panda: Prateek is the Founder of TheTechPanda. He's passionate about technology startups and entrepreneurship and enjoys speaking to new founders every day. Prateek has also been consistently regarded as one of the top marketing experts in the region.

View Comments (2)

  • the cellphone looks good with a new bodyshape and features as mentioned above but i dont think the features are that attractive which makes one desperate to wait for the same...but lets wait for it and see how better it actually performs with its functions and can it diffrentiate itself from galaxy S3 and can be considered by one to go for..!!

    • You are right. It will be important to see how they price it. It seems nowadays 40K is the new 25K.