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Since it first sued Samsung for patent infringement, Apple has derided the Korean company as a “copyist” whose Galaxy devices “slavishly” ape the original designs of the iPhone and iPad.

“Samsung chose to copy Apple, not to innovate,” said Apple when it requested an injunction against the company’s Galaxy S 4G phone and the Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet in July of 2011. “The message that Samsung conveys to consumers with its imitative smartphone design is simple: ‘It’s just like an iPhone.’ Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet sends a similar message: ‘It’s just like an iPad.’”

In a trio of product timelines submitted into evidence and released to the public on Friday as part of the company’s case against Samsung, Apple tracks the evolution of Samsung’s smartphone and tablet designs against those of the iPhone and iPad and hammers home its view that Samsung “slavishly” copied them both. Above, the iPhone timeline; below the iPad timeline; and to the right, a smartphone timeline.

Via: ATD


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