Venturesity Hackathon


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[dropcap]H[/dropcap]ow do you mobilize a 150 million first time voters? How do you ensure that a billion people’s voices are heard even after the election?

Venturesity, a Bangalore based online education startup, is bringing together community activists and geeks for a Hackathon that it is confident will provide some answers. The motivation behind this is simple: the most influential group in this election is those between the ages of 19 to 35; it is also the group with the highest number of mobile phones. While loudspeakers on auto-rickshaws got the attention of the previous generation, it is the mobile phone that will get the attention of this generation.

Venturesity Hackathon

There is an old saying – “Decisions are made by those who show up”. This is especially true when it comes to a democracy. In developed countries, there is a significant focus on “get out the vote (GOTV)” campaigns. By showing up, people can not only influence who gets elected, but also determine the issues that get prioritized after the elections. With that in mind, the theme for the Hackathon is “Get out the Vote! Get out the Voice!” The challenge for participants is two-fold: In a country where more people have reliable access to cell phones rather than electricity, can you build something to get the vote out? In a country where progress happens just before the elections, can you build something that will enable people to get their voice heard every day? [pullquote align=”right”]Get out the Vote! Get out the Voice![/pullquote]

The Hackathon will begin on 29th March and will continue on to the next day. Venturesity is partnering with Intel, Knowlarity, Neemtec, Construkt Festival, CoFounders Labs and TheTechPanda for this event. Participants can register at 


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