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Twitter’s video-sharing service Vine has reportedly seen a downfall in user-sharing following Facebook’s addition of video sharing to its photo service Instagram.

Facebook added the video sharing feature to its recently acquired photo sharing service Instagram on June 20 and the number of links to Vine videos on social networks fell by nearly half a million on the same day, BBC reports.

According to the report, Instagram links were shared on Twitter and a week after its launch, the links were shared 50% more including retweets and links as there were 15,62,022 mentions of Instagram and 9,35,109 mentions of Vine.

Editor of Marketing Land, Matt McGee said that the number of shares over the past few days is similar to early and mid June but Vine sharing has reduced since Instagram’s video tool launch.

Twitter’s Vine allows users to upload and share six-second long clips which play in a loop whereas videos shared via Facebook-owned Instagram can be up to 15 seconds long and filters can be added to change the colouring, the report added.

Via: TOI

Photo Source: Bas Sluijs



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