Takes iPhone App


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Platforms:  iOS 6.1 or higher
Rating: 4/5
Bottom line:  Has the potential to replace the traditional “Camera” option, as you get both photo and video ready with the same click.
How the App works 
Takes looks like your traditional camera app. Open it, and click the photo using the “Camera” button. At the same time, a short video clip gets recorded and stored in your iphone. Once done, we can use the “Create” button to create video or “Instant” to watch the video app has auto generated for us. Some great music is added to the app, and it gets played along with the video. All the photos taken with this app also get stored in the Photos album, which can be disabled if wanted.
The takes are private and stored in the device. However, they can be made public by sharing on social media.
The only downfall is, we cannot use the existing photos and create a video. All the photos have to be taken with the Takes App.
I’ve downloaded this app, and tried taking photos. It has converted into cool videos and the accompanying music is awesome. This app is great for outings, as you can send your friends & family videos instead of hundreds of photos!
Download the app here and let us know what you think. 


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